Morning Bondi

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From the archives

Morning my friends,

Well, well, well… Today was one of those days that I would have happily stayed in bed and sleep in but my daughter decided otherwise and woke up at 5:30am on the dot.

We ventured down the beach to catch up with our friend Julius and see what was going on. To be honest not much and not very inspiring. If you don’t believe me, check my Instagram Stories. See? Pretty uneventful: empty, grey, raining BUT on the flip side, there were a few waves.

I didn’t take any photos this morning, I didn’t even bother carrying my camera with me, which is very rare these days!

Not to leave you without photos of Bondi this morning, here is a selection of photos that I dug out from the archives last weekend and will soon make their way to the Gallery page of my website. Hope you like them. The page definitely needs more love!

Have a fantastic day my friends and hoping tomorrow will look better.

Chat to you tomorrow,



Morning dip

Love birds

Summer mornings

Squad training

Fav building at sunrise

Early birds

Golden Swell

Morning patrol

No filter

Dreamy Icebergs

Typical Bondi

The Bergs submerged