Morning Bondi

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Morning Bronte

Morning team,

Hope you are all well and happy hump day as they say,

Let me tell you something, this morning was a real cracker my friends and for a change I spent my morning down in Bronte Beach. The temperatures outside and inside the water were balmy, especially considering the season.

I don’t have much to say this morning but as we say a picture is worth a thousand words so here are 110,000 words for you (ie. 11 photos if you are pretty good at maths, like I am).



PS: Are you following Morning Bondi on TikTok yet? This morning I take you for a swim with me down at Bronte Pool - people would pay for that sh*t! 😜

Come and swim with me right HERE

Early birds


Trust me, I'm never going to far from Bondi

Bronte Pool rock formations are just unreal

Swimming in velvet

Bronte million dollars view

Bronte pool swimmer

Girl Gang

Moss has never looked that great

Bronte Palms