Morning Bondi

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What a cracker!

Morning gang,

How’s everyone today?

Personally, I’m super pumped. Incredible morning down there. Sunrise was a cracker, the surf was pure chaos, the light was great and spent my entire morning with good mate Anthony.

We started at Chapter One for coffee aka the unofficial Morning Bondi Gallery (they have 5x of my photos hanging on their walls), then Icebergs to see Neil’s squad getting hammered in the kiddy pool and then went for a stroll from South to North. I had to stop a few times to take photos.

This is the perfect way of starting the day. I can tell you that. Now I need to hammer in a fair bit of work, then fortnightly Taco Tuesday with mates tonight. Life is good!



Neil's Squad


Sliding into the sunrise

Heading out


Between the flags

Hey good looking! My mate Anthony Halprin. Get in touch if you want his '04'

Smiley faces - love it!!

Same birds as yesterday, different clouds

Wrapping up a good sesh