you blink, you will miss it
Morning gang,
You blink, you will miss it… yep, I’m talking about the sun.
As I posted in my Instagram Stories earlier this morning, it was looking pretty rubbish today. I’m quite often asked why am I not posting photos of Bondi when it’s overcast. It’s simply not my jam.
When I started Morning Bondi twelve years ago, I used to take photos every single day of the week regardless of the weather but I became a bit fussier over the years - typical French poshness. Today, I made an exception, here is just one photo of this morning when the sun appeared for a total of a minute.
The rest are all the photos that you might recognise from my interview with Marley from Exceptional Alien. If you haven’t checked it out, you should watch it as I reveal some of my favourite spots in Bondi.
Finally, talking of ‘French poshness’, as some of you might be aware I’m part of the Board of The Alliance Française, promoting French culture in Australia. This includes how to impress your friends at a dinner table by knowing everything about Champagne. We are organising an event in exactly a week just for that. Check out all the details here and learn how to say Moët properly. Spoiler alert, it’s not “Moo-é” but “Mo-WeT”. You can thank me later.
On that note, have a great day gang and stay warm,