That's how long it took me to take these photos this morning. Haters would say you can tell, others would appreciate the efficiency.
Hidden behind clouds, we had a pretty shy sun today. I had a 10-minute window of glorious light to snap away like a maniac and that's exactly what I did.
The number of people around and the haze are making the photos pretty interesting, I think.
Then I cooled down in the water with a bit of body surfing action getting slammed on the shorey.
Today is a pretty special day with the official launch of the Alliance Française French Film Festival. The biggest French Film Festival outside of France, we are expecting 200,000 patrons this year. If you haven't booked your tickets yet, go quick as sessions are selling fast. If you are going to the Chauvel tonight, I will be delivering a speech so see you there.
That's all for today and this week I guess as I'm flying to Perth in the morning. If you crave photos while I’m away, you can check Aquabumps, he takes alright photos.
Take care and chat with you on Monday,
Ice bath after a hot night - perfect
Shy sun today
Andrew Becher, one of the most famous restauranteurs in Sydney. Franca is a must.
Knee surfing, if you didn't know it was a sport - here you go
Future Olympians right there, trained by the best Neil Rogers
We don't call it the yoga wall for nothing
Oh you...
Cooling off after a hot night
Photobombed by a surfer
Beach volley before school
What can I say, like the colour green...
Train, stretch, photograph, relax... Life is better in the morning
Out for the day
Shorey activity
One for the ladies
John Botella finishing a good ride