Morning my friends,
How’s everyone today? Hope you all had a great break.
I guess most of us are officially back to work this week. Good luck gang! I know it sucks a little especially when the weather will be a cracker all week.
This morning, the alarm clock at 5:20 am was not pleasant but it had to be done. I ventured down to the Icebergs, but the sun didn’t show up before 6:15 am. Damn, I could have slept in a little.
I spent half of my morning in the South end, then went all the way to the North end where I was supposed to train with my friends from 6 am onwards. That’s ain’t happen! Luckily, I book myself a class at VRTUS later today, this is going to hurt big time. Rawson, please be gentle with me mate!
Have a great week my friends and chat tomorrow,
Cute couple
Getting ready
The moon was still around this morning
Ellie Daniel and friend
Lourdes, Théophile and Claire coming from Coogee
Golden shadows
Mark on his daily splashing around
Ben Buckler
Taking it all in
A few good ones coming through - just a bit straight
South end
It's swim time!
Who I was meant to train with this morning...
Between the flags