Morning gang,
How’s everyone going? Were you down there this morning?
By 4:30 am, I was fully awake and getting ready to go down the beach. My body clock has been messing around with me. It’s been 4 days in a row that I wake up that early. Stressed? Not at all! I actually have no idea what’s happening, it’s not as if I was going to bed early either - unless 11 pm is early.
Anyhow, enough about me, how good was this morning! The sunrise was incredible, the temperatures outside and inside the water perfect and there were 1,000+ people making the most of it.
Have a lovely day my friends,
Morning Bondi
'First in, first ripples' is looking pretty in pink too
First lights, yeah baby!
Just hanging around the shark buoy you know...
Bondi busy in the morning?! Not so much!
Oh hey Brooke!
Oh oh, look who's back in town? After a few years spent in Paris, Xav had enough and is back in town. Good to see you bud!
I don't know her but one thing that I know, she was ripping
The biggest reflector on earth
How good!
Ben Cryan sneaking in for a ice bath
Jena Goldsack, staying 5+ minutes
Full concentration mode for Eddy Price
Ravesis glowing in the morning
Corey Oliver setting up the beach. Good to see you buddy!
Swim time
What's the shoot all about? No joke 5 people asked me. I have no clue. Does anyone know?
The light was incredible for at least 45 mins