Morning my friends,
How's everyone feeling today? I’m fin-tastic, thanks for asking!
Full house today for the 3rd day of the year. Bondi is full of wonders. Shell-yeah, I even bumped into a real-life mermaid aka The Official Bondi Mermaid. She was mer-mazing!
I replicated a version of my popular 'First in, first ripples' shot with Rob's help. The brief was simple: “Rob dive in Line 5 and let the magic happen”. Thanks for your help mate.
Finally, I bumped into all the usual suspects back to their routine.
Hope you had a great morning,
'First in, first ripples' Replica with Rob's help
New ad for Speedos
Full house
The Bergs at sunrise
The Waiting Game
Sunrise paddle
Luke Hawkins - great to see you mate!
Girl gang
Robert Anderson
Deb Hawkins