Morning Bondi

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Golden Summer

Morning my fellow Bondi lovers,

How good is the weather and water at the moment?! Now that’s what I call Summer!!

Last night, we went for a swim after-work with the fam. So nice to finish your day like this! Thanks to Uge for capturing this special moment with my girls. Love it! :)

The light was sun-sational last night, so I took a few photos myself. You might have already seen them on Insta, Facebook or Twitter - if not, go for it!

This morning, the light was pretty much the same but coming from the other way. Sun sets in South Bondi and rises from North Bondi. Either way, it’s such a nice show to watch!

Have a fantastic day my friends and chat to you tomorrow,



Row row row your boat

Hello Sun!

The iconic Bondi Lifeguards tower

Love the long lens - thanks Olympus for the treat!


Flickerfest - never been in the last 9 years that I've been here. Any good?

Board training

Between the flags

Waiting for a wave

The Pink Power Surfers

Time for a swim

You see this good looking man in the foreground? That's my good mate Paul Amestoy. Sorry ladies, this man is taken!

Tubes in Bondi

It gets busy on days like this...