Morning my friends,
What a sweet Friday!
It’s on days like these that I just don’t want to leave the beach. It was just too good this morning, for a few reasons!
#1 - Today is Friyeah!!
#2 - I was with four of my mates and we did some run-swim-runs!
#3 - The sunrise was a cracker and the water super-fine!
#4 - Heaps of happy people all around, ie. heaps of photo opportunities!
#5 - I met my new besties Akvile & Greta from Lithuania.
I guess that’s enough reasons…
Talking about sweet, yesterday arvo, I was invited to the incredible launch of the AllBirds Sugar Zeffers thongs in Point Pipper. The thongs are made of sugar, no joke! Read more at the bottom of this page and if you want to see how sweet was the partay, check my Instagram Stories before it disappears. Tough gig! :)
Have a fabulous weekend my good friends!
Sweet Friday!
The Morning Bondi crew
Between the flags
Board training
Don't tell me that you don't want to jump in!
Paul Amestoy casually getting out of the water
This is what happen when you leave your camera to your mate Bertie. He's taking photos of naked men in the shower (ie. me)
Beardy cleaning the office
Postcard from Bondi Beach
The OneWave crew
Heading out
SoBo crew (South Bondi for the hipsters!)
Stronger together!
Kim McIntosh from Buddee Fitness
The Flintstones training hard
Just crossing
Bondi Icebergs lookout
Good luck!
Legendary Alex, I met him last weekend in the surf - very friendly guy!
My new besties Akvile & Greta
All by herself, quite rare in Bondi