Hump Day

Morning gang,

Hope everyone is well.

Yesterday and today were looking very similar - late sunrise due to the thick clouds on the horizon line.

I took a few photos yesterday but I wasn’t happy with any except one which I have posted below. Anzac Day is always an interesting day. It starts with a Dawn Service to commemorate all the soldiers who served Australia and New Zealand, but then people hit the pub to play Two-up and get hammered. Please explain. After 13 years here, I still don’t get that tradition?!

Anyhow, this morning was pretty nice and the temperatures outside and inside the water were just perfect.

Have a good one, my friends,


I'm always worried about how stressed Mark looks like... Be more like Mark!

The best colour this morning was the colour reflection

When you check your cheat-sheet...

Birds-eye view

Quick pit stop and back into it...

The Icebergs Stairs


The King of the Kettlebells. PK Performance


Warren Ginsberg and Casey James


Eugene Tan from Aquabumps wrapping up for the day