Morning my friends,
Hope you are all well and enjoying the break so far, if any.
As I’m actually working at the moment, mainly catching up on business admin (the sexy life of an entrepreneur, I guess), I’m sticking to my routine and taking photos early in the morning. The main difference is that there are very few people around, a great time to be featured on Morning Bondi if you ask me.
This morning was actually better than the past couple of days, especially with two ladies down at the pool, doing their things: modelling, photographing and influencing. This is a perfect submission for one of my favourite Instagram accounts called @Influencersinthewild if you don’t know it yet, get amongst it, it’s definitely worth a follow. We also have our local version @Influencing_Academy owned by a mate.
Have a lovely day and I know that most of you might be on holiday and all that but come down in the morning, it’s the best part of the day and I need more people to photograph.
Influencers in the wild
First photo of the day
Hotel Bondi and surroundings
Morning Paddle
The Wednesday Swim Gang
Even the Icebergs staff were posing this morning
The best angle of the Icebergs now.
Morning swim for good friend Anita Zanesco
Surfing ripples
The famous ‘Looking Pretty’ pose
Jon Wearne going for a morning paddle
Off the rocks
I get it the Icebergs is a pretty backdrop for photos
Modelling without knowing