Like a Moan-day...

Morning gang,

How was your weekend? What a glorious day yesterday, you could tell that Spring is around the corner!

After a pretty rough night, I bailed the training bit and just ventured down the beach for coffee, photos and a dip in the ocean - what I do best, to be honest.

It was pretty quiet down there but luckily they were a few swimmers around the Icebergs, otherwise it would have been photos of me, myself and I.

Have a great week my friends,

Amaury pronounced Amo-ree (as no one can say my name properly even my closest mates πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ) The meaning? It’s French for β€˜LOVE’. πŸ€ͺ

Looks like a painting...


Bondi Salties' represent

Cliff cleaning

The Icebergs Pool Club is stunning from all angle

Patrolling the beach

Earlier this morning

Behind the Bergs