Afternoon people,
Hope you are all well.
My apologies for the late update. I’m sure you were all eagerly refreshing your feeds every two minutes to get your daily fix of Morning Bondi photos. I was just busy working - yeah, that happens sometimes and let’s be honest 🍞 (click on the emoji) will always take priority.
This morning was ‘gold-gious’ (gold and gorgeous) that doesn’t really work. Does it? I started in South Bondi and finished in North Bondi. I bumped into good friends along the way. Exactly what I like about my routine.
Alright, that’s enough blabla for today, you are not here for that. Enjoy the photos and chat tomorrow!
Loan & Liesel
Monday by the pool
Love this angle
Glory Days, one of the best coffee shops in town
Busy North
That's a vibe!
Dylan, long time, no see
The boys in blue
North Bondi
Seagull view
Body By Kim Crew
It's swim time!!
The Yoga Wall & Dog
Shorey activity
This view