Morning my friends,
How are you today?
Today is ‘Mercredi’, French for Wednesday. Why do I write this in French you may ask? A couple of reasons, first of all, it’s hard to come up with a new blog title every day and it’s also the last official day of the Alliance Française French Film Festival.
I’m actually going to officially close it at Palace Central tonight. If you are around, come and say hi. Over Easter, you will have the chance to book your tickets on the website to the encores of the top ten movies and that would be it for this year.
This morning was a bit better than the last couple of days. After a Bondi to Bronte run, I went for a stroll and took a few photos. I bumped into the usual suspects, always good to see familiar faces in the morning.
Enjoy your day my friends and chat tomorrow,
À demain,
Beach activity
Party in North Bondi
How cute, the surfers forming a love heart.
Shower curtain
Surf relay
South Bondi dippers
The Conscious Community
Post-ice bath feeling
Young grom ripping. (Tomi, is that yours?!)
Praying for the Ice God
That's how much Uge is happy to see me in the morning. Laugh you too mate!
Tom Perry post-surf
Foam surfing
Duncan Heuer on his daily swim