Morning gang,
TGIF! Oh gosh, don’t tell me that you’ve used that stupid acronym. Yep!
Hope you’ve all had a great week and are ready for the weekend - I certainly am! Big week with heaps on so mucho relaxo this weekend before another epic week next week. By the way, I rather warn you right now so that you can mentally prepare, but I will not be posting from Wednesday until next Monday. I’m going to Perth - I’ve never been so I’m pretty stoked. If you have any advice, send them my way. Yep, Rotto Island is part of the trip, I want to capture a photo like that one.
Back to what I’m here for, today started pretty moodily but with some interesting pink/orange/turquoise colours so I bothered taking some photos. Hope you like them.
Have a lovely weekend,
Sunrise dippers
Good morning sunshine!
Ben Buckler, with rain on the horizon
Matchy matchy
Colours were pretty on point
Bondi Salties
Wave of the day
Mark continuing his night...
See yaaaaa