Morning my friends,
How’s everyone today?
Personally, I’m super pumped! After an awesome preview of the Alliance French Film Festival last night with my new bestie Guillaume Brahimi, I was already pretty excited but this morning top it up.
It was just out of this world, started with amazing first lights, then incredible sunrise and then four dolphins showed up and started jumping just next to the Icebergs. Trust me, it was dolphinitely flippin’ awesome!
Everyone had their phone out, no one was training at the Icebergs Gym - fair enough. I was also meant to exercise with my mates but bailed completely.
That’s all folks,
PS: My apologies for the delayed update but amazeball sunrise and busy morning is never a good combo.
Flippin’ fantastic!
First lights
Not much working out going right there...
Busy line-up
Incredible light
Skippin' while checking dolphins
Breaching through
Missing out the show
All eyes on the dollies
Swim time
That feelin' when you didn't see the dolphins!
That's a wrap!