Morning my friends,
Today it was extremely peaceful down there... No harsh light, not much contrast, just everything was pretty grey and there were not that many people around. Just the usual crew really...
No training this morning, just joined my mates for coffee, photos and swim. Easy peasy!
For the little update, you are now 25 people willing to receive the soon-to-be Morning Bondi newsletter. Not bad for one day but you can definitely do better... Remember, I will only start when I reach 100 people so if you haven't put your email in the box down there, please do it or if you have already done it, invite your mates to join this exclusive club.
T for Tuesday
Youngest yoga instructor
It's swim time!
Just ripped the cartilage of 4 ribs... Don't care! All smile for Joel Pilgrim. Good to see you mate, as always!
Little bumps