
Morning gang,

How’s everyone today?

After a big day at the conference yesterday (talked in front of 150+ people - the room was packed and people were standing up at the door, good for the ego I can tell you that), I woke up even more tired than I was yesterday so I stayed in. Once again, I didn’t miss much anyway - pretty overcast with a glimpse of light. Typical Parisian snob, I don’t bother taking photos anymore unless it’s postcard-perfect but you already know that.

Instead, here are photos of people, a lot of them. These photos were all taken on the 1st of January of this year but these could have been photos from the weekend that would have been the exact same. I love photographing people and crowds but you would rarely find me on the beach if it’s that busy. There are so many amazing harbour beaches in Sydney with 1/10th of the crowd - that’s more my jam, told you I was posh.

Alright, I think it’s enough blabla for one day. Have a cracking Tuesday and everything should go back to normal tomorrow if the weather forecast is right.




PS: The results of the annual World Happiness Report are in. Australia is #11 and France #21 - how surprising?!

Happy Man right there

Happy Man right there

Social distancing

Social distancing

Chilling in the sun

Chilling in the sun



By the pool

By the pool

Agoraphobic nightmare

Agoraphobic nightmare

Humans carpet

Humans carpet

South Bondi rip

South Bondi rip

Bondi Beach crowd

Bondi Beach crowd

La siesta

La siesta

Beach scene

Beach scene