
Morning folks! 

After a fairly different morning yesterday, I'm back to the daily routine. That's right Bronte is very different than Bondi, much more quiet, and not having a camera crew following me everywhere is definitely different too! ;) 

This morning we did jungle gym with Paul and Michael (new Morning Bondi recruit), then the usual coffee, swim, chit chat with my morning mates and swim. Water is a bit chilly (14 degrees atm) but getting out is the worst! 

Have a lovely day guys and chat to you tomorrow,


Waves are back in town.

Waves are back in town.

Land Rover for life - love these cars! 

Land Rover for life - love these cars! 

Bonjour Bondi.

Bonjour Bondi.

Bondi architecture

Bondi architecture

Neil Rogers matching with the Icebergs

Neil Rogers matching with the Icebergs

Swim time for Joel Pilgrim

Swim time for Joel Pilgrim

Morning set-up

Morning set-up