She's moody

Morning peeps,

How's everyone today? Hope you had a great week.

Mine was excellent. Since the official launch of my agency called bread (it’s English for ‘baguette’), we've had so many people reaching out willing to work with us. Some might say, we’re the best thing since sliced bread. Keep it up, that's the way and I pinky promise you won’t regret it!

This morning was moody and pretty average, to be honest. I usually don't like shooting on those days but once I started seeing a bit of colour in the sky, I took my camera out of my bag and kept on shooting - I may as well.

You know there is not much going on when I start taking photos of the same things from different angles, buildings and other fellow photographers including Eugene Tan, Mr Aquabumps himself. As you can tell, he loves it being in front of the camera. People often tell me that he’s my main ‘competitor’, but he’s not at all. Photography is his main activity, while photography for me is just a hobby. He gives me photography tips and I give him some Social Media ones - Win-win, you see.

Then finished with a coffee catch-up at Birichina with good mate Anthony from @onlyinbondi - follow his account it’s always a good laugh.

Enjoy your weekend my friends and hope that it will be warmer and sunnier,




Before 6am, waiting for the pool to open


More ripples

Rexy stop chatting away, get swimming instead mate!

Swim prep

icebergs mess

Trent Knox aka Knoxy

...a building shot when there's nothing else to photograph

Last bit of colour to wrap up