Splashes in the bay

Morning peeps,

Another day, another cracker!

No whales on the horizon today but 60 dolphins splashing around in the bay. They, unfortunately, didn't come too close but were hanging around Ben Buckler and in the middle next to the shark buoy.

'You sleep, you lose' that was one of Club Med’s slogans for a hotel targeting youngsters back in the day. That's pretty much what I feel every day, hence the motivation of coming down. Let's be honest, there is never a dull moment in Bondi.

On another note, as you know Morning Bondi is just a hobby and I have no intention to make it a full-time thing. I like my job in the Social space way too much for that. Yesterday, we released some funky designs for our future Bread offices. Do you like them? The puns are flowing in the comment section, perfect! 🍞

That's all for today, chat tomorrow!



That sea spray!

Pink start

Blue still

Blue still

Red flag


Swimming for days

The lucky country. 13 years here and counting. Love you Straya!

Hello dollies

Renee Robertshaw patiently waiting for it

The Bergs

Love that spray

Renee post-swim


You beauties!!

Eyes on the prize