Morning gang,
Happy Friday, as we say!
Sculptures by the Sea - ticked!
Oh well, I was awake real early today (4:22 AM), yeah, nah! Anyhow, I decided to make the most of it and checked the yearly Sculptures by the Sea along the iconic Bondi to Bronte promenade.
Ok, my highlights are: the astronaut, the rocket and the bana-shark.
There are plenty of others, but I think I'm not enough of an art connoisseur to appreciate them fully...
Sun popped up late, and it brightened the whole place like heaven.
Have a wonderful weekend and remember I won't post anything until at least Thursday. Yeah, I'm busy going to Hamilton Island for a client's conference... There are worst places to be, I know.
Take care of yourself,
Much better than taking photos of Sculptures if you ask me
Silhouettes by the Sea
The Friends Pool
Pamela, is that you?!
The Bana-shark Whisperer
Morning Rad Myers! This woman just ran 148 km in 22 hours. Yeah, I know...
The pointy end of South Bondi
Todd Slater rocking The Pool cap
Gave me Minions vibes
Having a break!
Bondi Salties
A Bondi Salties lost in the pool