Morning gang,
Hope you are all well and had a good weekend.
How good was the weather! So unexpected after last Friday's pouring rain.
Daylight saving is ON or OFF, I'm not sure what you are meant to say but basically, we changed the time yesterday which means that the sunrise is one hour earlier than last week which is perfect.
I woke up at 5:20 am and was down the beach by 6 am for coffee, photos and a dip in the ocean. Yes, it takes me a good 40 mins to look that good in the morning (jokes!).
The sunrise was fab and the surf was hectic. I always finish with a dip in the ocean - I call this "tea-bagging" I will leave you with this wonderful image.
Enjoy your week my friends,
Hold on tight
Ben Buckler
Morning laps
Morning mate
Bondi Icebergs Gym
Taking it all in
Sammy, Will & Joey
The Wolf Pack
Surf relay
Great waves
Darren Mansfield
Sea spray