Morning team,
I hope you’ve all been well. My apologies for the radio silence but between the funny weather, my week in Cairns last week for the ‘Cannes in Cairns’ conference (highly recommend it) and pure laziness (let’s be honest for a sec), it’s been a while.
I know people might think I’ve made a typo on the title ‘Where’s Willy?’ No, it’s, unfortunately, not! It was freezing cold down there and yes I still went for a swim because why not? Surprisingly, the water was warmer than out there. Heaps of whales at the back too.
Besides this, not much to photograph today. I tried to get creative but ain’t that easy when there are not many photo subjects. My advice to you. If you’ve ever dreamt of being featured on Morning Bondi or good mate Aquabumps, come down for a swim, surf or even a chat with us and chances are you will get a feature. We need photo subjects. It’s boring AF when there is no one around.
On that note, love to you all and chat tomorrow.
Pool cleaning
Party at Hotel Bondi
Kim Mcintosh having fun
Good mate Caroline Groth!
Sophie Smallwood (swimming all year long)
Look at that reflection
1 out of 2 surfers this morning
2 out of 2 surfers this morning
South Bondi swim
When the pool is closed...
Ben Buckler
Luke Smailes
See ya!