Morning gang,
How wild was this morning!
The surf was big with some great waves coming through. 100’s of surfers were out making the most of the conditions. The Icebergs was getting hammered. They had to close the main pool so everyone was cramming in the kiddy pool.
I don’t have much to say except that my mate Gareth Robinson aka Chop from MindHabit is organising a free 2-part workshop at Bondi Surf Club (you don’t need to be part of the surf club) which is for anyone interested in well-being, positive mental health, finding work-life / student-life balance, creating new (or stopping old) habits. You can see all the deets here. Any questions, feel free to get in touch with him.
Last thing before I leave, I’m experiencing issues with my newsletter program since yesterday, I will sort this out over the weekend and newsletters will resume early next week. You must be missing them terribly?! I would, if I were you…
Kiddy Pool getting full
Last man standing before they closed the pool
Surf in Bondi, they say, it's gonna be quiet - say no one ever!
Pool closed
Love shadows
Dion Horstmans, post-daily dip
Ian Wallace ripping as always
You want to know someone more social than me? That guy, John Macarthur, the famous knitter extraordinaire
Straight home
Last one before work
Perfect light
Before the sun