Morning gang,
How’s everyone today?
What a wild weather, after yesterday’s crazy storm, this morning was full on wind. No point in going outside as I didn’t want it to mess up my hair. Just kidding, I was happy to sleep in for once.
Today and tomorrow are not going to be too nice but we should have a great end of the week and weekend according to the weather forecast. My advice to you, squeeze in as much work as possible in the next couple of days so that you can get in the sun once it’s back in town.
Here are some photos from the archives, all in portrait mode for a change.
Have a wonderful day my friends,
BondEye - one of my most popular photos back in 2017 (Why? No idea)
Pink props
Special morning
Where's Willy?
The Friday Swim Squad
Oh the Icebergs!
Flat rock, best place to hangout at sunset if you don't mind the scratches
World Pride is ON
Fav building in South Bondi
The Icebergs' Naughty Corner
The Icebergs with my realestate lens
Air bench press
Friday with the Salties