Morning gang,
The weather forecast, unfortunately, got it right, another great day to stay in bed and dream of more sunny days. That’s exactly what I did and I have no regrets whatsoever.
Here is a selection of photos from picture-perfect Bondi. Yes, sometimes I change my identity to ‘Afternoon Bondi’ or ‘Evening Bondi’. Sh*t happens as they say. We live in Paradise, I can tell ya!
On a more serious note, due to the recent incident of the dolphin getting caught and dying in the shark net, you can see the very sad video on the Drone Shark App account, the guys from Sea Sheperd Australia are organising a gathering tomorrow at 6 am in front of the Bondi Pavilion. Watch this video by Hunter DeRusha, Sea Sheperd Australia’s NSW Shark Defence coordinator for all the details.
Shark nets are absolutely useless and unfortunately do not prevent sharks from coming close to the beach. The facts are here. Also, remember that video of the wobbegong shark getting very close to me when I was shooting only a few meters from the Icebergs. You see, absolutely pointless!
See you down there gang,
Sun bathing @ the Icebergs
Safe distancing
Messina delivering the goods since 2002
North Bondi boat ramp, a great place to hangout
Bondi Beach before the Cool Cabanas took over
Lake Bondi
Little Bastien, back in 2019
David Finato, my first Aussie mate. I've known this guy for more than 20 years.
Sun Haze
Max Dupain's style
Pram Patrol
North Bondi kiddie pool
Kids being kids
From the North Bondi hill
Path to paradise
Julius Cruickshank, another of my oldest mates, part of the OG Morning Bondi crew
The Icebergs Steps
The Lurline building, art deco Bondi
Sunset picnic on the beach
Me, dreaming
Sunset vibes
Sunset surf in Bondi
That's a wrap!