Friday the 13th.

Are you superstitious? I'm not but always good to know that today is Friday the 13th. 

For a Friday, it was really calm and peaceful down there - probably not in the surf though. 1000's of surfers for one wave, this is what surfing in Bondi is all about.

We went for a sand run with the gang (god, it hurts when you haven't done it for a while), then the usual swim, coffee & photos.

A local guy, Fernando, reached out to me yesterday and asked me if I would share his newest clip, I said I would so here you go. All shot in Bondi with locals and tourists. I really like the song and the spirit so here you go guys. Watch it here: If you like it, give them a follow on their YouTube channel and go at El Topo tonight at 9pm to see them performing it live. Go boys! 

Have a great weekend folks,


Party Wave!

Party Wave!

Calm & Peaceful Bondi

Calm & Peaceful Bondi

Red carpet is way overrated, go for orange cones...

Red carpet is way overrated, go for orange cones...

Hey good looking! That's my mate Simon Debnam

Hey good looking! That's my mate Simon Debnam

