Le Lundi au Soleil

Bonjour my friends,

As some of you might already know, I'm French and in France we have a famous song by Claude François called Le Lundi au Soleil which means Sunny Monday. Is that a pretty terrible song?! God yeah but ehh at least you've learnt something today. Here it is if you want to give it a go: https://youtu.be/u2gYndiOTkg

Today was pretty amazing, we went for a run up to Dover Heights with Patrick, then swim by myself and quick coffee with Hamish, Franck & Simon.

Hope you had a great weekend, it was a pretty amazing one. Check this photo that I took on Saturday arvo - stunning! 

Have a great week guys,


Le Lundi au Soleil

Le Lundi au Soleil

Between the flags

Between the flags

Ocean Fit training

Ocean Fit training



All alone

All alone

Moan-day morning

Moan-day morning

Stunning Icebergs

Stunning Icebergs