Morning my friends,
Haar, no don’t worry, I’m not about to spit but just describing the phenomenon that we had today, also called ‘sea fret’ according to my good friend Wikipedia. Basically Bondi Beach was covered in fog because of the warm air and the cold water.
Today marks the first day back to our usual Morning Bondi routine:
5:30am - Wake-up
6am - 6:45am - Exercise, down in the jungle gym
6:45am-7:20am - Coffee, photos, chit chat with the locals and finish off with a swim
Then it’s the usual rush from 7:30am till the moment I write this (incredible) blog post, newsletter, social posts… Today, I’m a bit late as I had a couple of meetings first.
I guess that’s all you need to know for today.
Actually, one last thing, if you live in the Eastern Suburbs you might have received in your mailbox a copy of Local East Magazine. I was lucky enough to have one of my shots making the front cover and another one within the magazine. If you don’t live in the East, here it is for you: front cover, edito with beautiful words from Lizzie Meryment the publisher who called me ‘Mr Bondi’ (loved it!) and the other double-spread shot.
Very proud of it! :)
Have a lovely day my friends,
Amaury aka Amo aka Mr Bondi ;)
Haar in Bondi Beach
Fav building (but you already know this!)
Yachting at sunrise - what else?
Beardy & Mouse on the jetski
Andrew Weetman about to take-off
Isabella Dobozy ski-training
Photobombed but probably one of my favourite shots of this morning
Carlos De Spinola doppelgänger for the ones that know him
Blake Sinclair wrapping-up
Paddle boarders taking over South Bondi
Marie Lebourgeois in the shorey
All over the place