Morning my friends,
Happy New Year!
Long time no speak… Hope you all had a wonderful break and a great Christmas & New Year’s Eve!
Mine was extremely relaxing, just surfing, spending quality time with my family and friends, BBQs and celebrations!
I only took three times my camera down the beach, on Christmas Day, one random day when I was heading to Gordons Bay and on New Year’s Day. The beach was packed!
Here is a selection of some of them that you might have already seen on Instagram and a couple more!
Thanks for your ongoing support and I wish you all the best for 2019!
Lots of love,
Amaury aka Amo
Where is Santa?
South corner
Full house
Kudos to the Bondi Lifesavers to keep us all safe!
Bondi Icebergs is the only quiet place on Christmas Day
From Bondi Pavilion
One shade of blue
Beach crowd
La Dolce Vita in Gordons Bay
Gordons Bay beach - a few minutes from Bondi Beach
New Year's Day by the pool
Only a few people down Bondi Icebergs
Girls girls girls
Traffic jam on Notts Avenue
The first and busiest day of the year!
The Messina van
Orange is the new black
Police Patrol
The North Bondi Grassy Knoll
The North Bondi boat ramp
North Bondi on New Year's Day